Are baby plans on the horizon? Making that choice is a big first step towards your goal, so well done on deciding! As a woman in your late 30s, you might hear concerns around how tough it can be to get pregnant. The good news is a growing number of women are having their babies later in life these days. With the right medical attention and some lifestyle tweaks, it is possible to have a normal, healthy pregnancy at this stage too.
Here are some tried and tested tips to help you with getting pregnant in your late 30s.
Visit Your Doctor
Kick-off your journey on the right note by meeting with your gynaecologist first. They will do a thorough review of your medical history and check if there are any conditions you have that might interfere with your attempts to get pregnant. In case you’ve had a history of pelvic disease, sexual dysfunction, or surgery, or have absent periods, your doctor may suggest fertility investigations right away
Explore Supplements To Boost Your Chances
Folic acid, melatonin, and Myo-inositol are some supplements that could help with ovarian function and improving egg quality to improve your chances of a successful pregnancy . Ask your doctor to recommend the right ones.
Watch Your Weight
being overweight may hamper your fertility. Equally, being too thin may also be a problem. Try and get your weight into the healthy normal BMI range (20 to 25). Even knocking off a few kilos (or gaining a few if you’re underweight) could help, even if you can’t get to your ideal weight.
Quit Alcohol And Smoking – Both You AND Your Partner
While we are aware of #the risks of alcohol for pregnant women, what we don’t realise is that the male partner’s alcohol intake may impact your chances of getting pregnant. Excessive alcohol intake and binge drinking can hamper quality of sperm, lowering the chances of conceiving. Smoking – even passive smoking – can affect a woman’s fertility and may even affect sperm. It is best to avoid both drinking and smoking in the run-up to having a baby.
Cut Caffeine Intake
Limit caffeine intake to one or two cups of coffee or tea a day. High caffeine in the system can interfere with conception. Decaf coffees and herbal teas can be a good substitute.
Stay Hydrated
Getting enough water is important (ensure your urine is light yellow, dark urine indicates insufficient water). Dehydration can negatively impact the quantity of cervical mucus and its pH. Sperm relies on this liquid to help move it along. Inadequate water can make it sluggish and hamper its ability to support sperm flow.
Don’t Try Any Extreme Exercise
Keep up your normal activity levels. If you’re trying to get fitter, try moderate-intensity exercise. No marathons or extreme workouts – they can mess with your menstrual cycle and make it tougher to plan your pregnancy.
Use Aids To Improve Your Odds
If you have sex within a day around ovulation (when the egg is released by your ovaries), you’re likelier to get pregnant. Try and have sex every 2-3 days throughout the month. Consider investing in gadgets that help to track ovulation or get a simple over-the-counter ovulation kit.
Don’t Expect Instant Results
Don’t expect things to click the very first time you try. When you’re 30 you have a 20% chance of getting pregnant in one cycle and by age 40, you have a 5% chance of getting pregnant in one cycle.
On average, 82% of women between 35 and 39 will conceive by the 1-year mark and 90% by the 2-year mark.
Know When To Get Help
If you don’t manage to get pregnant after six months of trying, it may be wise to speak to a doctor about help with getting pregnant. If required you may be given the option to try fertility treatments like drugs to stimulate egg production or IVF(in vitro fertilization).
Check If You’re Pregnant!
If you’ve been trying to get pregnant and think you might be, don’t put off taking a pregnancy test to know for sure. With the challenges that are typical of later pregnancy, it is important to get an accurate test to confirm. That way you can start taking the necessary precautions to ensure a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.
The MamaXpert Rapid Pregnancy Detection kit is an easy-to-use pregnancy test that you can take anytime, anywhere. The results are almost instant, so you don’t have to deal with the anxiety of waiting for lab results. If you’re concerned about privacy, this is a great option – all it takes is a few minutes of your time and doesn’t need anyone else to be involved.
Get your own Rapid Pregnancy Detection Kit now and find out if you’re pregnant.