Complications In Conceiving With Irregular Periods
Getting pregnant isn’t always straightforward. And having irregular periods can seem like an added hurdle - but it doesn’t have to be. We take a look at some common complications with conceiving for women who have irregular periods and ways to work around them.
What Are Irregular Periods?
After puberty, most women’s cycles settle down to a pattern that is around 28 days, plus or minus a few days. For some women, the cycle never really settles and there could be months where your period comes much earlier than expected and each period may seem a little different. In general, a period is considered irregular if:
- The duration between periods varies
- The number of days a period lasts varies
- The amount of blood lost during each period varies
Why Irregular Periods Make It Harder To Conceive
Having an irregular period may not always be linked to any other issue. Quite often this irregularity is just due to stress, exercising a lot, major lifestyle change or deviation from your normal routine, or even something like travel. However, irregular periods might also mean that your body isn’t releasing an egg (ovulation)regularly. This can make getting pregnant a little harder for some women.
Irregular Periods Could Be Due To An Underlying Problem
The issues with ovulation may be linked to a thyroid problem, PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome), being underweight or overweight, or other medical conditions. Some of these issues can impact fertility. If that’s the case, you may need to get this problem treated to help regularize your periods and improve your chances of conceiving. The good news is this doesn’t have to hamper plans to add to your family. With the right treatment, medication, and lifestyle changes you should be able to set your periods and health back on track.
Tracking Ovulation Is Harder
When you’re trying to conceive, you need to time it right and when you ovulate plays a key role in this. Unfortunately for women with irregular periods, finding out when this prime fertile period is can be a little more complicated. The usual calendar charting - where ovulation occurs around day 14 - may not be as effective with your period dates varying vastly between months.
How To Track Ovulation When You Have Irregular Periods
With some help from technology, you can keep track of ovulation dates even if you have irregular periods. This will help you pinpoint your most fertile days when you are likely to have more success with conceiving. While monitoring changes to cervical mucus(greater quantity and slippery/stretchy close to ovulation) and tracking basal body temperature(which goes up when you ovulate) are possible, you can also use an ovulation predictor kit which tracks levels of luteinizing hormone in the urine(this level rises a day or two before you ovulate).
Reliable Ways To Confirm You’re Pregnant
If you’re trying to conceive, you also need a reliable and accurate way to confirm the pregnancy. One of the simplest ways to do this is with a home pregnancy test kit. Choose one from a trustworthy brand - like the CIPLA pregnancy test kit which is readily available both online and offline. You’ll get your results instantly without any hassle. With a 99% accuracy rate, this is very reliable too! Make this first step, that marks the start of your pregnancy journey, a comfortable one. Think you might be pregnant? Don’t waste any more time worrying if you are or aren’t - find out for sure with the highly accurate yet simple-to-use Mamaxpert Pregnancy Kit. You can take the test anytime, in the comfort of your home with this pregnancy test kit - you’ll have your results in just 5 minutes!