Massages don’t have to be off the cards after you find out you’re pregnant. A good massage could help ease aches and pains, sciatica, improve circulation and ease swelling, reduce headaches, anxiety and stress, and help you sleep better. Just take care to tell the therapist to avoid massaging the abdomen, lower back, and back of your ankles as these might trigger problems or cause discomfort.
Many spas and massage therapists refuse to offer massages to women in their first trimester, not due to elevated risk from the massage itself, but because the risk of miscarriage in general is higher in weeks 1 to 12 of a pregnancy and they don’t want to be held responsible. Ensure your therapist is properly trained in prenatal massage.
Facials are another great way to relax when you’re expecting. As always, pick a good quality salon or spa where you are sure of the hygiene standards to avoid contracting any infections. Go easy on your choice of treatments, keep it natural and skip anything involving strong chemicals since your skin is extra sensitive during pregnancy.
Waxing And Hair Removal
Along with the luxurious head of hair that is a positive side effect of pregnancy, you might find an excess of hair in unwanted places like your face or arms and legs. If waxing is your choice of hair removal method, it is fine to go ahead with it taking the usual precautions of hygiene. Hair removal creams are typically fine to use as well, but you might be more sensitive to the smell and your skin might be more sensitive in general, when you’re expecting, so always do a patch test first.
Pedicures And Manicures
Pedicures and manicures shouldn’t pose a problem in early pregnancy, though it is best to skip the foot massage as some points on the feet are thought to be trigger points that may set off contractions. Avoid a gel manicure as it involves the use of chemicals that may or may not be safe for pregnant women. Be sure of the hygiene of the salon you are visiting and inform your therapist that you’re pregnant
Hair Coloring
Hair colouring itself hasn’t been proven to be directly hazardous to your baby. However, during pregnancy, it is a good idea to keep exposure to any chemicals to the minimum. Some say that pushing hair coloring to later in the pregnancy is better to avoid potential problems at the crucial early pregnancy stages when the baby’s organs are forming.
Saunas And Hot Tubs
When pregnant, your body isn’t effectively able to sweat off the extra heat and can cause your body’s core temperature to go up, affecting your baby’s development – particularly in the first three months. Some suggest that it could also raise msicarriage risk in the first trimester. And that’s why it is a good idea to steer clear of hot tubs, steam rooms, and saunas for the next 9 months.
Cosmetics, shampoos, and soaps could contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals known as parabens or phthalates. They could alter your levels of estrogen and testosterone besides possibly even raising risk of preterm birth and certain birth defects. While more research is needed, it’s probably wise to avoid products that contain these chemicals in the first trimester which is the rapid development phase of the baby. Even after, if you can avoid them, it might give you peace of mind to keep things as natural and organic as possible.
Find Out If You’re Pregnant
As you can see there’s plenty you can do to give yourself some downtime without risking your pregnancy. That said, because of the precautions you need to take, it is best if you have clarity on whether you’re pregnant or not as early as possible.
Rely only on an accurate method to confirm your pregnancy, like the at-home MamaXpert Rapid Pregnancy Detection kit. It is simple to use, gives you instant results, and most importantly is accurate. Simply order one to be delivered to you so that you can know for sure, without any fuss, in the privacy of your own personal space. And why not schedule a relaxing manicure or facial while you’re about it? You deserve one either way!
Order the easy-to-use and accurate MamaXpert Rapid Pregnancy Detection Kit to find out in the privacy of your own home or office, if you’re pregnant!